How do you stand out in a sea of sameness?

Start by getting someone’s attention.
Citrix ShareFile offered all the cloud-based collaboration tools and (get this…) file sharing a company could ever need. Only problem was, so did their competition. That’s the problem with a lot of B2B marketing – when you focus on the same features, everything becomes a little…featureless. B2B becomes Blah2Blah. ShareFile asked us to help them stand out… so we devised a campaign to help them upstage the competition.
How it did.
Increase of on-site time
Increase of on-site time
Decrease in cost per lead
Once more with feeling.
We decided the quickest way to stand out was to focus on feelings rather than features. So, what does it feel like when your office tech breaks down? What happens? People get upset. They panic. They freak out. In a word: drama. And drama is exactly what ShareFile takes away. It offers file sharing without the theatrics. So that’s where we aimed the spotlight – on the tuned up feelings, and absurd little dramas people experience at the office.

– Citrix
I need several paragraphs to tell you how much I’ve appreciated your partnership and the fantastic work A&G has done for Citrix.
Dramatic Results.
We tried something a little different with this campaign – we broke with convention, and told IT professionals they could be the office hero. In the end, they responded by buying ShareFile in record numbers. It’s just more proof that a smart strategy and a good story can produce some rave reviews.
Higher conversion rate