How can we rescue a local news industry on the brink, before it's too late?

We stand together.

Great journalism informs us, inspires us and connects us. And it’s on the brink of extinction. As ad revenues and budgets dwindle, outlets have been closing at an alarming rate. And as the proliferation of dangerous conspiracy theories fill that void and threaten our collective ability to separate truth from fiction, facts have never mattered more.We needed to act. It’s why we launched a nationwide initiative called Protect Our Press.

What we did.


Audience Insights

Industry Initiative

Publisher Collaboration

Brand Identity

Public Relations

Making the pledge.

We have always needed our local press, and their role within communities has never been more needed. But now the tables have turned. We needed a way to get everyone involved in helping preserve professional journalism in their communities. It’s why we came up with pledges for different groups to take.

Agencies: Commit 20% of their programmatic budget to news sites

Brands: Review and rethink their approach to local news investments

Publishers: Create smarter, better value deals for program participants

Individuals: Reconsider the value of local news publication and subscribe

Take the pledge here.

The unfortunate truth is in the numbers.


Decline in local news ad revenue


Local newspapers have closed their doors


News deserts with no dedicated local news coverage


Fewer professional journalists