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Allen & Gerritsen Taps Master Cobbler’s Creative Powers for Hot Stove Cool Music


The cobbler: a quintessentially “old school” profession. We celebrate our local cobbler for transforming our favorite boots into “like new” condition each winter season. But, “modern” and “innovative” aren’t necessarily the first words that come to mind when discussing the work of a cobbler.

Advertising agency Allen & Gerritsen (A&G) has turned this notion on its head.


A&G serves as a creative partner to Hot Stove Cool Music, the music benefit concert and signature fundraiser of the Foundation To Be Named Later, which will again take Boston by storm on February 3, 2018 with its annual show at the Paradise Rock Club.

This year, A&G partnered with an unexpected source to produce the creative artwork to promote Hot Stove Cool Music: a master cobbler named George Triantafillidis from George’s Shoe Repair in Boston’s South End. This decidedly old-school approach to modern, creative storymaking is proof that the “analog” craftsmanship of a cobbler can serve new and exciting purposes, even in a digital-centric industry such as advertising. It also showcases how artistry can present itself in countless, diverse forms.

The team partnered with Triantafillidis to develop the creative for an integrated campaign that reflects both the seasonal (winter!) motif of the concert, as well as its indelible connection to America’s favorite pastime, through intricate stitching and use of baseball leather. This masterful handiwork–and related promotional campaign–will drive attendees to the concert, where proceeds will ultimately support many worthy causes.

Over its history, Hot Stove Cool Music has raised millions to support hundreds of nonprofit agencies benefiting youth and families in Boston and Chicago–two cities near and dear to Foundation founders Theo Epstein, former Boston Red Sox General Manager and current President of Baseball Operations for the Chicago Cubs, and his brother Paul.